OLMM Steubenville Parish Mission
Join us on March 10th-12th, where you will have the opportunity to experience the God of the Universe, who loves you intimately and unconditionally, in a life changing way. The Lord is going to show up, that is a guarantee! You are invited to come and experience whatever it is the Lord, who is still a miracle worker, has in store for you.
We will be joined by Katie Prejean McGrady, Catholic Channel Radio Host, Author, and Catholic Speaker, along with Ricky Vazquez, musician and worship leader to lead and guide us over those three nights.
Location: Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Church
Dates & Times: March 10th-12th | 6:30-8:30pm
Cost: $29/person (total cost for all three nights)
Who: Open to everyone of all ages. Registration is required for anyone old enough to need a "seat" of their own.
This event is open to everyone, so we encourage you to invite your family, friends, neighbors, coworkers - anyone you can think of! As St. Augustine famously wrote, “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.” May all of us be bold in our invitation, so all who we know and love may encounter the peace of the Lord.
We want everyone to feel welcome to attend this event, and do not want the cost to be a impediment for anyone! Please call or stop by the Parish Office and we will be happy to assist you in registering.
We want this Parish Mission to be accessible to everyone, and do not want the registration cost to be a deterrent to coming and experiencing all that God has in store for them. We invite you to consider becoming an underwriter for the Parish Mission by making a donation specifically to help those who are unabe to afford the registration cost of the event.
Click the button below and you will be directed to donate through RebelGive. It will automatically suggest $29, which is the cost of one admission, however you may change that to any amount you desire.
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